
摘 要
本文通过实地采样方法对天津市典型经济树种的滞尘能力做了研究,并以常用绿化树种作为对比。对各植株的基本特征进行了调查以作为研究的辅助资料。通过实验分别测定出了个植株的单位叶面积滞尘量、单位叶重滞尘量、单株滞尘量。得出以下结论:不同树木滞尘量存在差异是由于各树木本身生物学特性和其生长的自然环境的不同。城市绿化应优先选择滞尘能力较强的树种,经济树种在滞尘能力方面与现有绿化树种存在差距,所调查经济树种单株叶面积在4.84~992.85 m2之间;单位叶面积滞尘量在0.8~1.3 mg/cm2之间;单株滞尘量在0.055~5.148kg之间。经济树种滞尘能力强的有:柿树、杏树、核桃、银杏等树种。并提出了:因地制宜的选择滞尘经济树种、综合考虑经济树种对其它污染物的抗性、大力发展立体绿化的建议。
Study on Dust Catching Ability of Typical Economic Tree in Tianjin
This thesis uses the method of the on-the-spot sample to carry on an investigation in the dust catching ability of typical economic tree in Tianjin, and with the tree which common using in afforestation for a contrast. Investigate the basic characteristic of each plant, and make it to become the assistant data. Through the experiment, we gained the unit of a plant leaf area dust catching quantity, unit leaf heavy dust catching quantity and the single plant dust catching quantity. The conclusion is as follows: The dust catching ability different of the plant is because of the difference of the biology characteristic of tree and natural environment of the tree growth. The city afforestation should choose the stronger tree of the dust catching ability. The dust catching ability of economic tree is less than the tree of common using in afforestation, the single plant leaf area are between 4.84m2 and 992.85 m2, the unit of a plant leaf area of economic tree are between 0.8 mg/cm2 and 1.3 mg/cm2, the single plant dust catching quantity are between 0.055kg and 5.148 kg.The economic tree Having strong dust catching ability, such as persimmon, apricot, walnut and gingko to grow first. In building green landscape, we can select: chinar, paulownia, common papermulberry, persimmon, apricot, walnut, gingko, cherry, fig, forsythia, holly, a species mix. The suggestion is as follows: While choosing the economic tree of dust catching, we should consider the actual circumstance; Synthesize to consider other pollutants to the economic tree influence; Develop strongly the stereoscopic afforestation.
前 言
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