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澳女生带手雷进课堂展示讲解 学校紧急疏散
来源: 环球网校 2012-12-07 22:32:17 频道: 新概念英语



澳女生带手雷进课堂展示讲解 学校紧急疏散


澳女生带手雷进课堂展示讲解 学校紧急疏散

  A school in Australia has been evacuated after an 11-year-old girl brought a hand grenade to show-and-tell.

  A school in Australia has been evacuated after an 11-year-old girl brought a hand grenade to show-and-tell.

  A police bomb squad removed the device and cordoned off the area around the school after the girl turned up at a morning class with the grenade, which did not have a pin.

  Police said the girl's family received the grenade from a friend several weeks ago and thought it was a dummy. The grenade has been taken for examination by Defence Force munitions experts but is believed to have been an inactive device, possibly from World War I.

  The school's headmaster, Boyd Allen, said the girl's teacher brought the grenade to him and he immediately evacuated the 450 students and 60 teachers and called the police.

  "I wasn't sure if it was a dummy and I didn't want to take that chance," he said.

  Mr Allen, from the Hunter Christian School in Newcastle, said the girl would not be punished.

  "She's bewildered, embarrassed ? I tried to make her aware she's not in trouble,'' he said.

  "She's a sweet young lady from a lovely family. She understood it to be a dummy hand grenade that had been deactivated, there was no firing pin, just the body of the grenade. It was heavy, but I assume practice grenades would weigh that much too."

  Police said the device had been inspected by Defence Force experts, who took it for testing and would probably destroy it.

  "There's no doubt that it did pose a potential threat and the actions we've had today are appropriate in the circumstances," said Police Inspector Gerard Lawson.

  "In a classroom, certainly if it was live and it was a fully functioning device it would cause serious injuries to all the occupants."




沙特推女性电子追踪系统 离境与否尽在掌握


