Part 1
1.What activitieswould you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near theocean?
2.Why do somepeople like water sports?
3.Do you think thegovernment should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?
1.Do you give others flowers?
2.Is there any particular meaningby sending flowers?
3.Do people in China like to keepflowers at home?
1.Who is yourfavorite celebrity in China?
2.Do you like anyforeign celebrities?
3.Would you wantto be a celebrity in the future?
1.Do you wear hats?
2.Do people in China wear hatsjust for fashion or other purposes?
3.Where do people buy hats?
1.Whatkinds of snacks do you like to eat?
2.Is ithealthy to eat snacks?
3.Doyour parents allow you to eat snacks?
1.Doyou ever make anything by hand when you were a child?
2.Do children in your country often make things by hand?
3.Is there anything that you would like to make by hand in the future?
1.Doyou prefer sunny days or other weather?
2.Whatdo you do in a sunny day?
3.Whatdo you do in rainy days?
1.Do you ofteninvite friends to visit your home?
2.Do people oftenvisit you at your home?
3.How often dovisitors come to your home?
1.What kinds of teachers do you like best?
2.Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?
3.Would you want to be a teacher in the future?
1.Whatis your favorite color?
2.Doyou buy things based on their colors?
3.Docolors affect people’s mood?
1.Doyou often watch ads?
2.Wheredo you usually see them?
3.Whatdo you think about ads on line?
1.Doyou consider yourself as a social person?
2.Whodo you like to spend time with?
3.Doyou prefer to hang out with a big group of people or just a few?
1.Doyou like any science class?
2.Werescience classes interesting enough?
3.Howcan we be good at science?
1.Doyou like singing?
2.Howoften do you listen to other sing?
3.Doyou want to be a good singer?
1.How often do youeat chocolate?
2.What’s yourfavorite flavor?
3.Is chocolateexpensive in China?
1.How often do youread?
2.Do you have manybooks at home?
3.Do Chinesepeople do enough reading?
1.Doyou like walking?
2.Whatkinds of places are suitable for walking?
3.Doyou do something else when walking?
1.Doyou ever give people gifts?
2.Do you ever receive gifts?
3.Who did you last give a gift to?
1.Doyou like taking pictures?
2.Whatdo you often use to take photos?
3.Doyou prefer to take pictures of natural stuff or people?
1.Doyou like bags?
2.Whattypes of bags do you like?
3.Doyou usually carry a bag when you go out?
Part 2&3
Describe acreative person that you know.
You should say:
Who it is
How you got toknow this person
What this personis like
And explain whyyou think this person is creative.
About/Speaking of this topic, I'd like to tell you oneof my best friends. She is probably one of the most gorgeous and brightestpeople that I've ever known. There’s always some new ideas hanging around herhead. She is smart enough to know how to dress herself to make her lookattractive/sharp(male), even put on some movie star’s iconic make-up or have the samehairstyle. Strangers may even mistake her for one of the celebrities. So thatshe would have chances to take advantages of people.I still remember she played a clever trickwhen we were on the way to others’party. We were running a little bit late, so we decided to take a cab. Soon aswe got in the car, the taxi driver said with surprise, 'Oh! Are you the famousstar *name*?' I saw a sparkle flashed in her eyes. She went, 'Well, I’m sure you’re talking about my sister..'shereplied. 'Really? Oh my goodness, I guess I hit a jackpot.' 'Oh, I can tell youabout her if you want', she went. But of course, she made that all up.Then we got in a traffic jam, she asked him afavor, 'Mr.Movie fan, since I’ve told you interestingthings about your idol, would you take a shortcut?I just don’t have much time left. I’ll appreciate it.' You know what? thedriver bought the whole story, and we managed to take advantage of thesituation and the driver risked so much by almost breaking the traffic law.
Part 3
What are thebenefits of creativity?
Do you think onecan learn to be creative or it is something we were born with?
Do you think allof the inventions are good?.
Part 2 婚礼
Describe awedding that you attended.
You should say:
Whose wedding itwas
Who was there
Where it washeld
And explain howyou felt about that wedding
Part 3
What are thespecial traditions in Chinese wedding?
How do you thinkthe way people deal with wedding in China?
What are thedifferences between Chinese wedding and that of other countries?
Describea creative inventor or musician
Youshould say
Whothis person is
Whatthis person does
Howyou knew this person
Andexplain why you think this person is creative
Part 3
Whatcreative activities did you like to do when you were young?
Whydo people like to copy others’ ideas these days?
What’sthe best way to cultivate children’s creativity?
Part 2 不喜欢的旅行一个喜欢的电影/电视节么
Describe a film/TV program you like.
-What it is
-When you watched it
-What film/story was about
Explain why you like it
Part 3
1.What do people choose to do if they watched a badfilm or TV show?
2.Do you think comments of products have effect onthem?
3.What are the differences of films young peoplelike and old people like?
Part 2 不喜欢的旅行
Describe aterrible trip you had.
You should say:
When thishappened
Where you were
What weather itwas
And explain whyyou couldn’t go on with what you planned to do.
About this topic,I'd like to talk about a time that I was forced to stop playing one of myfavorite sports, which is jet ski. I guess it was one of the most fascinatingand breathtaking things that I've ever experienced in my life. I became totallyhooked 3 or 4 years ago when I gave it a go on a lake in the suburb of my city.I never felt that alive before when I was riding the jet bike, and everythingmoving like the lightening. Last year, my nephew was on my tail begging me totake him with me for almost the whole summer break.So we went to the lake together. But then Inoticed that a piece of dark cloud was moving towards us. I had to pull theplug, otherwise it would be dangerous with wind and rain. It was such a shame,but quite fun watching him pouting with tears in his eyes. Then I shot anotherphoto of us to remember that day. Anyway, I plan on taking him with me thisyear to finish what we've started.
Part 3
1.Where canpeople get weather report?
2.How do weatherreports change our daily life?
3.What kind ofpreparation do people usually do in extreme weather?
Part 2 一个花园
Describe a garden you have visited
Youshould say
Whereit was
Whatit looked like
Whatyou did there
Andexplain why you liked it there
Part 3
Arepublic gardens very important in China?
Arethere many public gardens in China?
Doyou think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?
Whatdo you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?
Part 2 生气的经历
Describe asituation (or a time ) when you felt angry.
You should say:
What thesituation was
Where you were
What you weredoing
And explain whyyou felt angry .
Part 3
What do youusually do when feeling angry?
What can we do tomanage our anger?
Do you thinkapologies are important?
Part 2 网站
Describe a usefulwebsite that you often visit.
You should say:
what the contents ofthis website are;
how you first foundthis website;
how often you go tovisit this website;
and explain how this website helps you
Part 3
What are some of the different reasons whypeople use the internet?
Some people say that different age groups havedifferent tastes on internet content.what do you think?
What influence can the internet have onchildren?And what about teenagers?
Part 2 钦佩的领导人
Describea leader that you admire
Youshould say:
Whoit is
Howyou knew this person
Whatthis person is like in real life
Andexplain why you admire this person.
Part 3
Whatdoes it take to be a good leader in yoru opinion?
Whatcan leaders do to improve the teamwork?
Doyou think leaders should all be better than the team members?
Part 2 高楼
Describe a tall building in your hometown youlike or dislike.
You should say:
where this buildingis;
what it looks like;
what it is used for;
and explain why you like or dislike it.
Speaking of thistopic, I'd like to talk about a highrise in my hometown. It was built arounddecades ago, and at that time it was definitely one of the mostmagnificent/majestic and conspicuous landmarks in our city. It is a multiplecommercial center that consists of navy blue shield glass and grey concrete,which in my imagination looks like a silent giant/dwarf standing there. In itwe can find a plaza, a supermarket and several recreational facilities like amovie theater, a gym and even a stage play opera house. There were office roomsfor above 6 floor.
I used to loveworking out in that gym, like doing bench and have a stretch on thestairmaster, and everytime I bathed myself with sweat, I feel exhilarated. AndI made lots of new friends in the buffet room that I can hang out with watchinga film together. That's really easy cuz we don't have to get out of thebuilding.
How do people in China feel about oldbuildings?
Do old people and young people in China havethe same attitudes towards old buildings?
Is it important to preserve oldbuildings?(why?)
Part 2 给别人的礼物
Describe a gift you gave someone recently.
You should say:
what the gift was;
who you gave it to;
why you chose that gift;
and explain how the person felt about thisgift.
Whatkinds of traditional gifts do Chinese people give to each other?
Doyou think it is better to send expensive gifts?
Whatdo people usually feel when receiving gifts?
Part 2 省钱的方法
Describea method that helps you save money.
Youshould say:
Whatit is
Whenyou started to use it
Howyou knew it
Andexplain why it is helpful
Aboutthis topic, I think there's one habit I can come up with. That was cheese cakethat I usually have once in a week, and it’s like a routine. We all have to admit that ladies have aweakness for those tasty things, like junk food, ice cream, candy, andeverything that is made of chocolate. They can't seem to resist the temptation.But it’s bleeding me dry esp when I’m on my budget. So I just had an idea toquit this old habit. The trick is to replace your favorite food with another.let's say there's a cheese cake on the table which you would kill for. Thesmell is really tempting but when you lean close to it you close your eyes andstart chewing celery, which I assume probably is our last choice of food. Thenrepeat it over and over again. Finally, every time I smell cheesecake I amreminded the flavor of celery, then I would refuse to eat this thing.
Whatcan parents do to teach children to save money?
Whydo some people tend to waste money?
Doyou think students have too much pocket money?