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摘要 现在各位考生都开始了2019年导游证考试的复习备考工作,多数考生都只在备考笔试部分,但是现场口试的部分也应当及早复习。环球网校导游证频道为您整理了“2019年导游证考试:山东碧霞祠英语导游词”,希望对各位备考有帮助。

The city of Taian, is 150 meters above sea level. Most of the principal scenic spots and historical remains are clustered along an axis extending from the city to the top of the mountain. They are the result of a long historical Process, and are ingeniously placed in order to take advantage of the surrounding topography.

Chinese mythology has it that Mt.Tai was formed from the head of PanGu, one of chinese creators.His four limbs Formed another four mountains. These five mountains are located in the East, West,South,North and the center of China. Mount Tai in the East is the one that is generally the most admired.

The Azure Cloud Temple is the best preserved old structure on Mt.Taishan, which still retains the style and appearance of the Ming an Qing dynasties. Its importance rests with its Good combination of architecture, painting, carving and forest, an illustration of ancient Cinenese culture. It has a building area of 3900 square meters. According to records,it wasFirst built in 1009 of the Song Dynasty, and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now it is a large ancient complex on the top of Mt. taishan.

The Azure Cloud Temple consists of 12 large structures, such as the Main Hall, the Annexed Hall,the joss stick Hall, the Main Gate, the imperial Stele Pavillion, the Bell Tower and The Sacred Gate. The temple is divided by the main gate into two courtyards. The front counrtyard has three gates. On the Soouth Sacred Gate stand three dancing and singing roomsOver a fire floor where pilgrims burn Joss sticks. Facing the gate is a screen wall, inscribed four Chinese characters 万代瞻仰 meaning admiration by generations. Two annexed rooms extend notyhward to connect the East Sacred Gate and the West sacred Gate.

The main gate is the bound between the front courtyard and the rear courtyard. Inside the gate is the principal part of the Azyre Cloud Temple. In the center of the courtyard is the Joss stick pavilion, where enshrined is a bronze figurine of the aupreme Lord. On either side of the pavilion stands a huge stele. Besides the Azure Cloud Tem;le itself, the Buddha’s Halo is another miraculous phenomenon. Of the 128 historical sites under preservation on Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple is the most important one.

A common saying goes that a mountain will be intelligent if there lives an immortal, no matter how high it is. Mt. Taishan is not only high but also intelligent. Rising abruptly and imposingly1545 meters above sea level from a vast plain, Mt. Taishan became the holy land where emperors of different dynasties made their personal pilgrimages and held ssacrificiall ceremonies. StandjingOn the top of Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple, the chief place where sacrificial ceremonies were made, is the highlight attraction on Mt.Taishan.

If you are tired you can have a rest here or take photos. mind you, in 5 minutes. who know the origin of BaoTu Spring, please think it over and I will tell you the reason after 5 minutes.

Thank you.

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