
Situation: You have been asked to check the details of a number of office-cleaning agencies.
Task: Read the information opposite and answer the questions below in the space provided using no more than 3 words.
Complete sentences are NOT required.
1 Which firm has been established the longest?
2 Which firm has no listed contracts?
3 What is the charge per sq metre with Acme Cleaners?
4 How many firms employ more men than women?
5 How many firms have more than 20% staff turnover?
6 How many banks are mentioned in the ’listed contracts’?
7 Does Spick & Span offer full window cleaning services?
8 Is Davies Hygiene fastest in dealing with complaints?
9 Which company based outside London was most recently started?
10 Which London-based company has the lowest staff turnover?
11 How many companies carry more than £1 million insurance cover?
12 Is the shortest contract available 3 months?
13 Has Office Clean more listed contracts than ABC Clean?
14 Can you telephone complaints to Dusters?
15 Will Spot On clean your windows outside?
16 Has Spick & Span more female employees than Dusters?
17 Which firm is slowest to deal with complaints?
18 Which firm has the highest cost per sq metre?
19 How many firms clean exterior windows?
20 Which London-based firm offers the cheapest daily cleaning service?
(20 marks)
Situation: Read the following conversation beween 2 employees of the neilson Carpet
Factory in Phuket.
Task: Complete the Accident Report form using the information in the conversation
Anna Leow We had a nasty accident this morning. A young woman broke her ankle.
Acham Scott Yes, I heard. Friday the 13th, an unlucky day indeed. Was she an employee here?
Anna Leow No, she was a bisitor. I was just taking her to see the canteen and have a drink. She slipped on the stairs.
Acham Scott That stair carpet has been loose for a while now. It ought to ve replaced. What was the lady’s name?
Anna Leow Jan Li. I’ve got her details. She lives with her husband on Yaowarat Road, number 43, here in Phuket.
Acham Scott When did you say it happened? This morning?
Anna Leow Yes. It was precisely 1020.
Acham Scott And you sent her to hospital in an ambulance?
Anna Leow No, we sent her by car to save time.
Acham Scott It sounds like it’s the company’s fault, then. I’ve told the manager about that carpet before. Have you filled in a report form?
Anna Leow No, I’m going to do it now. More paperwork.
Acham Scott (Laughing) Well, you are the Assistant Manager, aren’t you!
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