
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)
Translate the following two passages into Chinese.
Passage 1
There they come, trudging along, straight upright on stubby legs, shoulders swinging back and forth with each step, coming into focus on the screen just as I’m eating my first bite of popcorn. Then Morgan Freeman’s voice informs us that these beings are on a long and difficult journey in one of the most inhospitable places on earth, and that they are driven by their “quest for love.”
I’ve long known the story of the emperor penguin, but to see the sheer beauty and wonder of it all come into focus in the March of the Penguins, the sleeper summer hit, still took my breath away. As the movie continues, everything about these animals seems on the surface utterly different from human existence; and yet at the same time the closer one looks the more everything also seems familiar.
Stepping back and considering within the context of the vast diversity of millions of other organisms that have evolved on the tree of life — grass, trees, tapeworms, hornets, jelly-fish, tuna and elephants — these animals marching across the screen are practically kissing cousins to us.
Love is a feeling or emotion — like hate, jealousy, hunger, thirst —
necessary where rationality alone would not suffice to carry the day.
Could rationality alone induce a penguin to trek 70 miles over the ice in order to mate and then balance an egg on his toes while fasting for four months in total darkness and enduring temperatures of minus-80 degrees Fahrenheit?
Even humans require an overpowering love to do the remarkable things that parents do for their children. The penguins’ drive to persist in behavior bordering
on the bizarre also suggests that they love to an inordinate degree.
I suspect that the new breed of nature film will become increasingly mainstream because, as we learn more about ourselves from other animals and find out that we are more like them than was previously supposed, we are now allowed to “relate” to them, and therefore to empathize.
If we gain more exposure to the real — and if the producers and studios invest half as much care and expense into portraying animals as they do into showing ourselves — I suspect the results will be as profitable, in economic as well as emotional and intellectual terms — as the March of the Penguins.
Passage 2
After years of painstaking research and sophisticated surveys, Jaco Boshoff may be on the verge of a nearly unheard-of discovery: the wreck of a Dutch slave ship that broke apart 239 years ago on this forbidding, windswept coast after a violent revolt by the slaves.
Boshoff, 39, a marine archaeologist with the government-run Iziko Museums, will not find out until he starts digging on this deserted beach on Africa’s southernmost point, probably later this year.
After three years of surveys with sensitive magnetometers, he knows, at least, where to look: at a cluster of magnetic abnormalities, three beneath the beach and one beneath the surf, near the mouth of the Heuningries River, where the 450-ton slave ship, the Meermin, ran aground in 1766.
If he is right, it will be a find for the history books — especially if he recovers shackles, spears and iron guns that shed light on how 147 Malagasy slaves seized their captors’ vessel, only to be recaptured.
Although European countries shipped millions of slaves from Africa over four centuries, archaeologists estimate that fewer than 10 slave shipwrecks have been found worldwide.
If he is wrong, Boshoff said in an interview, “I will have a lot of explaining to do.”
He will, however, have an excuse. Historical records indicate that at least 30 ships have run aground in the treacherous waters off Struis Bay, the earliest of them in 1673.
Although Boshoff says he believes beyond doubt that the remains of a ship are buried on this beach — the jagged timbers of a wreck are sometimes uncovered during September’s spring tide — there is always the prospect that his surveys have found the wrong one.
“Finding shipwrecks is just so difficult in the first place,” said Madeleine Burnside, the author of Spirits of the Passage, a book on the slave trade, and executive director of the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society in Key West, Florida. “Usually — not always — they are located by accident.”
Other slave-ship finds have produced compelling evidence of both the
brutality and the lucrative nature of the slave trade.
Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points)
Translate the following two passages into English.
Passage 1
改革开放 27 年来,中国发生了巨大变化。从 1979 年到 2004 年,中国经济年均增长9.4%,居民消费水平年均提高7%,进出口贸易额年均递增16.7%。 2004 年,中国国内生产总值达到 16494 亿美元;进出口贸易额达到 11548 亿美元。我们初步建立了社会主义市场经济体制,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。
同时,中国人口多、底子薄,发展很不平衡,人口资源环境压力日益突出,在前进的征途上仍面临着很多困难和挑战。中国国内生产总值总量虽然不小,但人均国内生产总值仍排在世界 100 位之后,尤其是还有近 2600 万农
村贫困人口和 2200 多万领取最低生活保障金的城镇贫困人口。中国要实现现代化,还需要长期艰苦奋斗。
Passage 2
非政府组织是一种独立于政府的非营利性群众组织,包括慈善团体、志愿者组织和其它社会团体。它们从事不同的工作,如扶贫、环保和各种社会服务。近年来,非政府组织在中国迅速发展,在社会生活中起着越来越大的作用。老师估计,目前全国大约有 300 万个非政府组织。
李先生是广东省一家非政府组织“广州青年志愿者协会”的领导人。加入协会后的 5 年中,他提供了 4000 多小时的志愿服务。他参加的志愿活动包括关怀街头露宿者,照顾孤寡老人,帮助孤残儿童,发起为贫困地区捐赠等。在参加志愿活动的过程中,他由一个性格内向的人变成了一个活跃的社会活动家。李先生的志愿者协会属于公益型非政府组织。公益型组织是中国非政府组织的重要组成部分。
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