
广大考生可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时我们会短信通知2021年下半年各省翻译专业资格考试报名时间,请及时预约。编辑推荐:2021年下半年全国翻译资格报名时间及报名入口汇总。
中共十八大以来,提出构建人类命运共同体的重要思想。这一重要思想的内涵极其丰富、深刻,其核 心就是中共十九大报告所指出的,“建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界”。即从政治、安全、经济、文化、生态等5个方面推动构建人类命运共同体。这一思想的提出顺应了历史潮流,回应了时代要求,凝聚了各国共识,为人类社会实现共同发展、持续繁荣、长治久安绘制了蓝图,对中国的和平发展、世界的繁荣进步都具有重大和深远的意义。
A Poverty-Free Global Community with a Shared Future
Building a global community with a shared future is a profound vision advocated by Xi Jinping. He described the core idea in his report to the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017 as “to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity.” This echoes the historical trend and call of our day, provides room for consensus, and presents a blueprint for human development, sustainable prosperity and lasting peace. It is of far-reaching significance to China’s peaceful development and global prosperity.
China stands up for sharing the fruits of development among all countries and peoples. Every country, while pursuing its own development, should actively facilitate the common development of all countries. There cannot be sustainable development in the world when some countries are getting richer and richer while others languish in prolonged poverty and backwardness. Only when all countries achieve common development can there be genuine worldwide development.
Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2015 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum that eliminating poverty remains the biggest global challenge, and the next 15 years will be critical for China and other developing countries. He called on the world to build consensus and join hands to tackle difficulties for win-win results and benefit all peoples. He proposed accelerating global poverty reduction, enhancing cooperation, promoting diverse, independent and sustainable development, and improving the international environment for development, in order to build a poverty-free global community with a shared future.
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