2022年下半年计算机软考中级资格考试真题综合知识部分共有75道选择题,以下为大家分享部分2022年下半年计算机软考中级资格考试真题,查看完整版可点击>>2022年下半年计算机软考中级资格考试真题与答案免费下载。软考中级考试成绩通常在考试结束后2个月内公布,为了方便大家及时获知准确成绩查询时间,建议考生们使用 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时我们会及时提醒2022年下半年软考中级职称考试成绩查询时间通知,让您在繁忙的工作中及时获知软考中级考试重要信息哦!
【单选题-71】( )can be described by the following characteristics:volume,variety,velocity,
veracity and value.
A. Artificial intelligence
B. Integrated circuit
C. Parallel computing
D. Big data
【单选题-72】In( ),the project scope,time,and cost are determined in the early phases of
the life cycle. Any changes to the scope are carefully managed.
A. predictive life cycle
B. iterative life cycle
C. incremental life cycle
D. adaptive life cycle
【单选题-73】Project( )includes making choices about:resource allocation. Balancing competing
demands. examining any alternative approaches,tailoring the processes to meet the project
objectives and managing the inter dependencies among the Project Management Knowledge Areas.
A. schedule management
B. scope management
C. integration management
D. resource management
【单选题-74】( )refers to the management of the overall and long-term development direction,
objectives,tasks and policies of an organization in a certain period,as well as the corresponding
decisions on the organization's resource allocation,and the tracking,supervision and change
of these decisions.
A. Quality management
B. Communication management
C. Risk management
D. Strategy management
【单选题-75】( )is not the communication technical that may be used for the virtual team.
A. Shared portal
B. Face to face talk
C. Video conference
D. E-mail/chat
以上就是“2022年下半年计算机软考中级资格考试真题(71-75)”的内容了,建议各位考生认真阅读。温馨提示:为及时获取2022年软考中级职称考试成绩查询时间、证书领取时间等重要时间节点,推荐各位考生使用 免费预约短信提醒服务。另外,文章尾部“点击免费下载”可领取更多软考中级职称考试备考资料,如历年真题、模拟试题与答案解析、考试技巧等备考资料。
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