来源: 环球网校 2020-02-24 13:53:47 频道: 新概念

Stop for a moment and ask yourself if there was ever a time (or times) you’ve arrogantly said or thought: “I’m too smart for this。” If you’re someone who always believed that you’re Mr. Smarty Pants, you may want to take a step back and contemplate. That kind of thinking can work against you in life and in work.停下来扪心自问:你有没有高傲地自认为“太聪明”?如果你向来自恃聪明,或许该认真反省了。这种心态对生活和工作非常不利。

So while it’s difficult to face the truth, let’s entertain the possibility that you may not be as smart as you think you are. Read on and check if you have the following signs:面对现实并不容易——为什么说你没有自认为的那样聪明?或许以下就是原因。请往下读,看看你是否也有这些表现吧:

1. You’re more of a talker than a listener你爱倾诉,不擅倾听

And that’s putting it nicely.一语点中要害。

You like the sound of your own voice, with or without you knowing it. People don’t come to you to talk about their problems or even celebrate their successes because you always end up talking about your own problems and successes.不管是否意识到,你都喜欢表达自己。跟你在一起,别人根本就无法倾诉烦恼或庆贺成功,因为你一直在滔滔不绝谈论自己的烦恼或成功。

If this sounds like you, consciously decide to listen and focus on the what the person is saying the next time you’re in a conversation with someone. Don’t try to upstage them, just listen.如果你是这种人,那么下次跟人交谈时,请下意识学着倾听、去关注别人在讲什么吧。不要总是抢着说话,请倾听!

2. You show off only the good stuff and make some up.你只炫耀好的一面,还会编造一些

You hide your true personality. You fake it. Big time. While it’s good to always be at your best when meeting important people, you take it to a whole other level: You lie so that people have a better impression of you.你隐藏自己的真实性格,常常戴着面具。虽然约见重要人物时,展现自己最好的一面也无可厚非,但你会因此得寸进尺:为了给人留下好印象,你不停撒谎。

Smart people value truth and know better than to hide for the sake of looking good. Showing only your good side and adding some special effects will tire you in the long run.聪明的人看重真实,不会为了看上去优秀而伪装自己。炫耀自己好的一面并加以粉饰,长此以往只会让你疲惫不堪。

3. You’re always in the middle of a storm你总处在风暴中心

You always find yourself in the middle of conflict. And when you think back on it, you either caused that conflict or you added fuel to the flames.你总陷入矛盾焦点。仔细回想,你发现:要么是你引发了矛盾,要么是你煽了风点了火。

Smart people, on the other hand, either don’t get involved when there’s nothing they can do or do their best to help end the conflict. Try to do the same.相反,如果无济于事,聪明的人会避免牵扯进去;如果可以帮助,他们会尽量平息矛盾。请学着点吧。

4. You discourage people instead of lifting them up你不鼓励别人,反倒打击别人

You discourage people, not just by saying so outright but also by not giving them the time of day. In a way, you’re telling them that their ideas or their problems are not worth your time or your (perceived) intelligence.你说话露骨,不给人留余地;你总打击别人。你说别人的想法或问题太弱智,根本不值得你动脑筋。

Smart people help encourage others by actually paying attention. They listen (note the first sign) and share what they know. If big shots like Richard Branson and Adm. William McRaven, commander in the U.S. special forces, can take the time to answer letters from kids, you can spend a few minutes encouraging people.聪明的人会实实在在关心鼓励别人。他们倾听(见第1条)并分享自己的心得。像理查德-布兰森、美国特种部队指挥官威廉-麦克纳文这样的大人物都还费心回信给小朋友,你为何不能花几分钟鼓励他人呢?

5. You prefer lowbrow entertainment你喜欢低俗娱乐

You don’t challenge yourself with difficult subjects and are content to stick to entertaining yet hardly thought-provoking reading material. You also spend hours watching bad reality TV.你宁愿读那些毫无意义的东西,也不肯尝试了解稍有深度的领域。你老追着看糟糕透顶的电视真人秀。

Real smart people thrive on reading books and watching films that spark their creativity and make them think and question. A few hours of intellectual reading could open up your horizons so give it a shot. You can start by listening to audiobooks if the thought of reading thick books is daunting to you.真正聪明的人选择能激发创造力、发人深省的书籍或电影。阅读有深度的书籍可以开阔眼界,请尝试一下吧!如果一想到大部头书籍就头疼,你可以先听听有声书。

6. You’re always so busy你总是忙忙碌碌

Your work life consists of you running around like a headless chicken. There always seems to be a problem that takes up most of your work day. You also find yourself doing all the work, all the time.你工作起来总像只没头苍蝇似的到处瞎忙。好像每天都有费神耗时的烂摊子要收拾,你无时无刻不在应付杂七杂八的任务。

Learn how to delegate and ask for help. It’s a little arrogant of you to think that you can do everything for everyone. Make it a point to rest and spend time on things that matter in life, not just work.学着分配任务、寻求帮助吧。觉得自己能单枪匹马包揽所有活计?太高估自己了!别只忙于工作,也要会休息,花时间做点真正有意义的事情。

You may have been praised a lot when you were a child, a teen, or a college student because of your high grades and other academic achievements. That’s great. Ego boosts now and then are healthy and needed. But strive for more than just accolades.当你还是个孩子或学生时,因为考了高分或学业喜人,常常受人称赞,确实很不错。现在自我膨胀了,渴望更大了,但决不能仅仅流连于夸赞之辞啊。

If you truly want to be smart but find yourself guilty of the signs above, now’s the chance to make a change. Be a smarter, better version of you.如果你愧然发现自己也有以上表现,但你又真心希望变得聪明,那么,现在就抓住机会去改变吧。做更聪明、更美好的自己!
