来源: 环球网校 2018-10-24 09:54:13 频道: 实用英语

How much is this?

How much will that be?

How much are these altogether?

I think this is too expensive.

That's little too much for me. Could you make it less for me?

I can't afford it. This is too much.

This is not a reasonable price.

I don't have this much cash on me. Will you make it little cheap?

What's the regular price? Do I get discount on this?

Tell me what's the best price you can do for me?

If I pay you cash, will you give me some discount?

I'd buy this if you can make it a little less expensive.

I'd buy it if you reduce the price a little.

May I have a discount on this?

Will you give me a discount?

Can I have a discount?

Would you give me a discount if I buy three of these?

I've come all the way from China; please give me a better price.


