实用英语推荐:Employment Work Vocabulary—就业相关词汇
来源: 环球网校 2018-09-07 09:25:56 频道: 实用英语

A.T.M. Automated Teller Machine; cash dispenser Banknote Piece of paper money Borrow Obtain money which must be returned Broke (to be) To have no money Budget Amount of money available or needed for a specific use Cash Coins or bank notes (not cheques); actual money paid, not credit Cash dispenser Automatic machine from which a bank customer may withdraw money Cashier A person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, shop, etc. Cheque/check Written order to a bank to pay the stated amount from one's account Coin A piece of metal used as money Currency The money used in a country Debt Money owed by one person to another Deposit Sum payable as a first instalment on a purchase;

money placed in an account in a bank Donate Give money especially to charity; make a donation Exchange rate The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another Fee Payment made to a professional person (doctor, lawyer, etc.) Interest Money paid for borrowing or investing money Invest To put money into business, property, etc. in order to earn interest or profit Legal tender Currency that cannot legally be refused as payment Lend Give or allow the use of money which must be returned with interest Loan Sum of money to be returned with interest Owe To be in debt to somebody; to owe money to somebody Petty cash Small amount of cash available for everyday expenses Receipt WrittenAssessment Evaluation of one's abilities Apply Submit an application for a job or position Background Education - qualifications - experience Bonus Additional payment to an employee as an incentive or reward Curriculum Vitae Summary of one's education and experience to date; résumé Dismiss Discharge from employment; (to fire, to sack, to let go) Employee Person who works for a firm or company Employer Person or firm who employs people Fire To dismiss Fringe benefits Advantages offered in addition to salary (life insurance, retirement scheme, company car, etc.). Also called "perks": abbreviation for perquisites. Interview Oral examination of an applicant for employment Make redundant Dismiss for economic reasons Maternity leave Period of absence for a female employee when having a baby Notice Advance warning of intention to leave one's job-to give or hand in one's resignation Personnel People who work for a firm or company (employees) Personnel officer Manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel (employees) Promotion Advancement in rank or position in the company Prospects Opportunities for success or promotion in a career Recruit Look for and hire personnel Resign Leave a job voluntarily Retire Leave employment because of age Sick leave Absence because of illness - to be on sick leave Staff People who work for a firm or department; employees Strength Strong characteristic or particular ability Strike To go on strike : to stop working in protest against something Take on Employ or hire Trainee Person being trained for a job e.g. a trainee salesman Training course A course of study to prepare for a job e.g. a computer course


Payments made by the state to an unemployed person Vacancy A position to be filled Weakness A lack of ability or a shortcoming in character


