来源: 环球网校 2020-04-15 10:10:24 频道: 新概念

Ipsos, a market research organization, recently conducted a poll to find The World's Favorite City.The company polled more than 18,000 people in 24 countries to find out the best cities to do business in, live in, and visit。市场调研机构Ipsos,近日开展了一场以发现“世界最美好的城市”的调研活动。该调研寻访了生活在24个不同国家的18000个人,让他们选择出自己心目中最适合工作,居住,以及观光旅游的城市。

Ipsos then tallied the responses to determine which global cities ranked the highest across all three categories.The overall winner this year was New York, followed by London, Paris, Abu Dhabi, and Sydney. Zurich was named the world's best city to live, while New York was voted the top city for business. Paris was the best city to visit, Ipsos found. 然后,Ipsos采用统计的方法计算出三个类别综合起来排名第一的城市。今年的大赢家是纽约,紧跟其后的有伦敦,巴黎,阿布扎比以及悉尼。苏黎世被认为是最适合居住的地方,纽约则当之无愧的成为最适合做生意的地方,巴黎则是最适合观光旅游的地方。

The most interesting part of the Ipsos study, however, was that it looked at what individual countries thought were the best cities. Some countries had a lot of national pride — Japan, for instance, ranked Tokyo as number one in all three categories。这个调查最有趣的地方是让人们可以看到各国人民心中的“城市之最”。有些国家的人民显示出了极强的民族自豪感——比如,日本人就把东京在这三类中都列为第一。

On the other hand, Madrid failed to even make the top 10 list in Spain. The Spanish public was much more eager to live in either Stockholm, Zurich, or Berlin。然而,另一方面,马德里却在西班牙人民心目中连前10都没能挤进。西班牙人民更想居住在斯德哥尔摩,苏黎世或者是柏林。

Check out the full list of each country's favorite overall city below。


Argentina's favorite city is New York阿根廷的最爱是纽约

Australia loves its native Sydney澳大利亚喜欢她的“本国人”悉尼

Belgium rated New York as its favorite city比利时最爱的也是纽约

Brazil chose New York as the best, too巴西也最爱纽约

Canada hearts Toronto加拿大爱多伦多

China thinks Hong Kong is the greatest city中国人认为香港是最厉害的城市

France loves Paris法国爱巴黎

Germany chose Berlin as its favorite city德国人最爱柏林

Great Britain thinks New York is the best world city大不列颠子民认为纽约是全世界最好的城市

Hungary rated Zurich the highest匈牙利最爱苏黎世

India's favorite city is Singapore印度人最爱新加坡

Italy rated New York as its favorite city意大利也爱纽约

Japan really, really loves Tokyo日本真心爱东京

Mexico chose Paris as its favorite city墨西哥爱巴黎

Poland also chose Paris as the best波兰也爱巴黎

Russia picked Paris, too俄罗斯同样爱巴黎

Saudi Arabia loves Abu Dhabi沙特阿拉伯爱阿布扎比

South Africa's favorite world city is New York南非的“世界最好城市”是纽约

South Korea is very proud of Seoul南韩以首尔为豪

Spain voted New York as the best city西班牙爱纽约

Sweden also chose New York瑞典也选择了纽约

Turkey loves its Istanbul土耳其爱伊斯坦布尔

And the United States hearts New York大美利坚最爱纽约

What's the favorite city in your heart? Please let us know!哪个城市是你心中之最呢?请在下面跟帖,让我们一起讨论吧!
