新概念英语第二册:Taken for a ride
来源: 环球网校 2021-06-11 15:14:00 频道: 新概念

Taken for a ride


Why did the writer not get off the bus at Woodford Green?

Why did the writer not get off the bus at Woodford Green?

I love travelling in the country, but I don't like losing my way.

I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected.

'I'm going to Woodford Green,' I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, 'but I don't know where it is.'

'I'll tell you where to get off.' answered the conductor.

I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.

'You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.'

'Is this Woodford Green?' I asked.

'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly. 'I forgot to put you off.'

'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.'

'We're going back now,' said the conductor.

'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered.













ride n. 旅行

excursion n. 远足

conductor n. 售票员

view n. 景色

shock n.震惊

case n.情况,案例


take A for B误把A当成立B,如:I take you for Marry.

lose one's way迷路,迷失方向,如: I lost my way because of the fog.因为大雾我迷失了方向。

get off专指下交通工具,如:I get off the bus at once.我立刻下了公交车。

in the front of在什么的前半部分,如:Lucy is in the front of the metro. Lucy在地铁的前半部分车厢。


1,分词作状语。一个句子两部分组成,前半部分没有明显的主语和谓语,而是直接以一个动词的ing,to do,done形式开头,后半部分是完整的句子,那这样的句子就是我们所说的分词作状语的句子。

例1:Being one of human being, I think I must joint the group of environmental protection.作为人类的一员,我觉得自己应该为环保做贡献。

句子中的being one of human being是后面 I think I must joint the group of environmental protection这个完整句子的一个状语,显然是它的原因状语。

例2:To make me happy, you need to buy me a drink.想让我开心,你得请我喝饮料。

To make me happy是后半部分完整句子的状语,具体来讲是一个目的性质的目的状语。

例3:Killed by the enemy, the soldiers are remembered by the people.被敌军残忍杀害的战士们将会被群众铭记在心。

done 与ing的区别就是和后面完整句子主语之间的关系了,很明显ing是主动,done是被动。而to do则表示“为了……”这样的目的性。


journey最长,excursion最短,trip居中。有俚语trip or journey,表示上厕所是“小号”还是“大号”。

3,in front of 与in the front of 区别。



prefer sth to sth,该句型用于两名此的比对。比如喜欢下雨天胜过晴天。

prefer doing to doing,其实和上面的是一回事,只不过这里面比对的是两个动名词。比如喜欢跳舞胜过唱歌。

prefer to than do,这是最重要的一个,比对做两件事。比如喜欢跑步胜过游泳。

